A simple intuitive but efficient ToDo App developed using jQuery and jQuery-ui.
Features : (More features to be added on Future Updates)
Tabbed Panes | Task-Tab and Favorites-Tab
- Tasks can be easily stored on Favorites Tab by clicking on the star icon (icon gets changed to filled star - so as to show distinguish that it's listed on favorites tab).
- Stored Favorites Tasks can be listed back to Tasks Tab by clicking on the home icon.

Local Data Storage - Offline Support
- Data is saved on device local storage so it will be available on next startup also (Using HTML-5 Local Storage
Editable Tasks
- Double Click on the task to make edit
Duplicacy Check
- Checks for duplicate tasks on Task Tab as well as on Favorites Tab

UI-UX Features :
- Add Button gets enabled only when there is some text in the textbox (_also detect blank spaces_)
- Other than clicking on Add Task button, tasks can be added by hitting enter key
You can check Demo Fiddle here.
ToDo Task lister App using Parse as back-end. Safe and Effecient as data is stored in Parse cloud which makes it easy to retrieve any time any where.
Features : (More features to be added on Future Updates)
- Parse as Back-End service Provider:
- Data saved on the cloud thus easy retrieval Checks for empty input fields

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